Thursday, February 25, 2010

Islamic Online University

I came across this website and found it very by Dr.Bilal Philips...
It is a very good way to study islam for free!

Islamic Online

Registration is free and you immediately commence your online studies, where you can download the videos, audios, and PDF documents to study in the best manner that suits you. Upon completion of each module there are online tests that will be graded.

You will be emailed a printable certificate upon the completion of each course, signed by Dr.Bilal Philips. There is also a diploma for those who complete all of the free courses.

This is definitely a good way to learn more about islam and spread it to others, not to mention getting closer to Jannah inshallah..

Please share this link with all your muslim brothers and sisters...and sign up!! :)

Also...if you have the ability to...please donate towards this worth it is definitely a good cause...and one that we should all support and encourage...even if we don't have the time to pursue the courses ourselves...

May ALLAH bless us all...Ameen

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